Our Approach

Our Approach

ICP engages in advocacy to promote and expand fair and affordable housing opportunities, secure access to such opportunities, and address the violation of laws that protect the right to access those opportunities by low-income people of color. Specifically, ICP contributes to administrative and policy discussions at the local, state, and federal levels and, where necessary, engages in administrative advocacy and litigation to further the organization’s mission.

Our Vision

ICP envisions an America where equality is created and sustained in community through access to good schools, affordable housing, safe neighborhoods, and economic opportunity. ICP wants to be a resource to those who share that vision by providing information about where those opportunities exist in the North Texas area, where they don’t, and why. We will work with individuals and families seeking to secure the benefits of such communities — unfettered by discrimination and prejudice. And we will advocate and promote policies and practices that are consistent with our mission of inclusiveness, fairness, community, and opportunity.

Areas of Operation

ICP’s areas of operation includes Dallas County and the surrounding counties of Collin, Denton, Tarrant, Rockwall, Ellis, and Kaufman.

Affordable Housing Development

ICP is a resource for affordable housing developers, both for-profit and not-for-profit, who want to create affordable housing in safe communities that offer excellent schools and healthy environments for children, especially areas with little or no affordable housing. ICP will work with developers and homeowners to help overcome the effects of NIMBY (“not in my back yard”) attitudes that create barriers to affordable housing.


No one wants their city, town, or neighborhood to be viewed as refusing to include families simply because of the race, color, or national origin of those families or because those families have children. But inclusive communities require inclusive housing. ICP would like to use its resources to ensure that, as we grow as a region, people of all races and economic conditions are included in the progress that growth represents. ICP seeks to work with local civic/non-profit/faith-based groups interested in meeting the challenges and reaping the rewards that living in a diverse and inclusive community brings.

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© Inclusive Communities Project. 3301 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas 75226
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