Renters using tables

Renters Resources

Homelessness Resources

North Texas Housing Authorities

Below are the phone numbers of housing authorities administering the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in the DFW area. Click the name of the housing authority to visit their website or call them at the phone numbers provided for more information.

Housing Authorities Outside of the DFW area:

Click Texas Housing Authority Waiting List Status or Texoma Housing for the waiting list information of Texas Housing Authorities.

General Resources

Fair Housing and Tenants’ Rights

Legal Aid

    • Legal Aid (for legal assistance) – 888-529-5277 (Open M, W, TH 9:00AM-6:30PM and T, F 9:00AM-5:00PM)
    • Legal Aid of Northwest Texas (Dallas) 1515 Main St., Dallas, TX 75201
    • Legal Aid of Northwest Texas (McKinney)
      901 N. McDonald St., Ste. 702, McKinney, TX, 75069
      972-542-9405 Office
      972-548-2410 Fax

Food Resources



If you are seeking job training and/or job placement, check out these resources to help you get back to work and find new careers.
Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas or call them at 817-695-9184.
Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas or call them at 214-624-7444.  

Prepare for the jobs search

Gain skills

Local Library resources (account sign-in required):

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Powered by Kim Schlossberg Designs